Etching Roller Press Printing
Learn the art of various etching techniques with a large printing press, working to larger sizing (up to A3).Dry point etching is such a fascinating printmaking technique within the intaglio family! It involves bringing images to life by delicately incising a plate with a sharp metal or diamond point.
Quite similar to engraving, the distinct characteristic lies in the tools used and the unique approach of not scraping or filing away the raised ridge along the furrow. It’s like sculpting a tiny masterpiece on a metal or plastic surface, each line and stroke adding depth and texture to create visually
captivating prints.
Learn the art of etching onto:
Polyurethane sheets (Acrylic Sheet)
Tetra Pak
Environmount (Dry point and Relief Collagraphy)
Printmaking & Mixed Media Tutor: Adam Grose is a painter and printmaker from Cornwall, living and working in Taunton. He studied painting and printmaking at Southampton Institute (BA (Hons) and at Falmouth University (Master of Fine Art: Contemporary Practice). He is a member of the RWA in Bristol.
Venue : These CICCIC courses are delivered in a purpose built printmaking studio at Bridgwater and Taunton College. Wellington Road, Taunton. Please use the booking form below to secure your place. Once you have booked your tutor will email you with more information about the programme, i.e. Parking at the campus, registration and what to bring for the first session etc Materials provided.