Browsing: creative writing
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Introducing –Writing/Drawing for Pleasure -group facilitator-Zoe Ainsworth-Grigg WWW.ZOEAINSWORTHGRIGGBOOKS.COM Hi, I’m Zoe and for the last three years I have facilitated Creative Writing at Taunton Library. In October I am starting another group at CICCIC. CICCIC 2.00pm starting on 25th September and thereafter on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Free except for refreshments Here is
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Join the Fire River Poets at the Creative Innovation Centre (CICCIC) for poetry reading and socialising with other poets. Evenings start at 8.00 pm and finish around 10.00 pm. Break around 9.00 pm. Normally on the first Thursday of the month. Check the Fire River poets web page below for details. Readings have open floor