We are amazed at the amount of people who come to CICCIC who have had amazing lives and careers. From professors to adventurers. From personal assistants of the famous to the engineers who built towns and cities. Their knowledge and history are abundant but often shared behind closed doors or exercised in the past and no longer in the public domain.
That is why we are putting a call-out to anyone who would like to do a talk or lecture at CICCIC on any subject. It could be your hobby, specialism or even research. We’d love to hear from you. There is no subject we wouldn’t consider.
“In the early days at CICCIC I recall meeting a lovely lady from U3A who specialised in Egyptian history, but she was retired and no longer shared this love of hers. I asked if she would share her knowledge with a talk but due to outside forces, we never pinned down a date. Now I’d like to rekindle this idea by asking all in the community if they would like to share their knowledge”. Andrew Knutt, director, CICCIC.
We ask that you have some previous experience of public talking, and we have a screen and projector to showcase any visual content.
The intention is hold daytime lectures and talks for a small fee so you can earn a little pocket money from this or you can donate your time to help us fundraise for our not-for-profit organisation. Either way we’d love to hear from you.
Contact Andrew Knutt at andy@ciccic.co.uk 01823 337477