New Visions by Canon Robin Murch Exhibition – 5th Aug- 2nd Sept.
Creative Innovation Centre Café & Gallery Open:
Tuesday to Saturday every week from 10am to 4pm (Except Fridays from 1pm).
Meet the Artist
Robin will be in the gallery on Saturdays 10am – 3.30pm for you to have a chance to meet and chat to.
Canon Robin Murch has since his retirement from full time ministry discovered a new vocation as a Folk Artist.
He had previously been the Vicar of Holy Trinity Queenborough Isle of Sheppey where he exercised his ministry for 23 years.
In 1999 he retired to his Grandfather’s house in Dawlish, Devon.
There over time he discovered his hidden ability as a folk artist.
He calls his art “ Theological Art.” as he uses news events, books, people and a variety of issues as his starting point. Rather than Scriptures and Church life the familiar subjects of religious art.
He seeks to express visually how one might see the activity of God in our contemporary world with its many issues. His pictures are colourful and are also challenging for the viewer having deep content woven into them.
The New Visions project which has grown from these pictures, is an Exhibition which tours Churches. This is usually a dozen or more pictures with their illuminated stands. The pictures come with a short commentary to guide viewers in their exploration of the pictures.
Robin unusually reserves the pictures for Exhibition only. They are not sold.
The Exhibitions have for several years been a success in visiting Churches in the South West. They have been enjoyed by a good number of people. Recently some New Vision Pictures have been published in book form called “ Pathways to New Visions.” which explains the project well.
Robin has had no formal training in Art and unusually works with Oil Pastels.
He works with considerable energy and dash and the works show this in the vibrant colours used. Robin admits his craft skills are immature, yet he makes up for this with his lively imagination which is stimulating to behold.
He recognises that as a Priest he has an unusual vantage point to see the world and the activity of God. This he seeks to share with his viewers.
All of which makes his works absorbing talking points and an Exhibition well worth visiting.
This is a tribute picture inspired by the popular BBC TV series
“The Blue Planet 2” that was narrated by David Attenborough.
This was a highly acclaimed series that revealed countless wonders that are to be discovered in great waters of our planet. Having myself enjoyed the seas above and below, times past, I felt the need to express some of these wonders in a picture.
The picture was created in the lead up to Easter.
We see the new dawn of Easter Day on the oceans and the creative power of God reaching down into the many wonders of the seas. Also reaching to the remains and wreckage of human life and death lying at peace on the deep ocean’s floor.
Can it be that God is to be found amongst the wonders of such a strange and alien world?
Our faith in “ God Almighty maker of heaven and earth “, assures us that despite our fearfulness of such an environment, God is indeed there in all the deeps’ wondrous activities.
Taking up the challenge of this gift of faith in to our fearful hearts; our wondering minds lead us to grateful worship.
Psalm 139. 6-11.
Where shall I go from your spirit,
or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend into the heavens you are there:
if I make my bed in the grave you are there also.
If I spread out my wings towards the morning;
or dwell in the utter most parts of the sea’
even there your your hand shall lead me:
and your right hand shall hold me.
If I say “Surely the darkness will cover me:
and the night will enclose me”,
the darkness is no darkness with you
but the night is as clear as the day :
the darkness and the light are both a like.
“Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia. Alleluia.!”
Exhibition - "New Visions" by Canon Robin Murch
August 6, 2019 - August 31, 2019
10:00 pm - 4:00 pm