A short film based on the theme of ‘Our Place’ created and performed by young Ukrainian people living in the Taunton area of Somerset.
The film was co-produced by CICCIC, Somerset Youth Theatre, Go Create and a local film maker, David Hughes as part of a 10-week creative arts programme for young Ukrainians, funded by SASP, Somerset Council and TYCA.
The arts programme was supported by professional tutors Yana Forrester, Nataly Povazhniuk and delivered at the Arts Hub in Taunton.
There is a preview evening at the CICCIC, Taunton on Tuesday 13th June 6-8pm . All art lovers welcome . See link for more details : https://www.creativeinnovationcentre.co.uk/art-exhibitions/tyca-visual-arts-showcase-our-place-exhibition-7th-june-1st-july/
The film was Directed by local Ukrainian performance arts specialists Bohdana Ushatenko and Nadiia Latsyba.
All scripts and performances are the original work of the young Ukrainian people in the film:
Tamara Davidenko
Oleksandr Kovalenko
Roman Kovalenko
Markiyan Ferenchuk
Sofiia Bodnarchuk
Kateryna Liubnytska
Elizabeth Forrester
Kateryna Povazhniuk
Yana-Mariia Kasiyan
Anna Kravchuk
Maria Kravchuk
A big Thank you to the following organisations for their support in this project:
TYCA _ Arts Taunton
Go Create
Somerset Youth Theatre
Somerset Council
Pizza Express
Arts Hub
For more information please contact: Info@artshub.uk